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Cindy Taylor

Board President


Cindy has been a Realtor with Miller Realty in Ithaca for

approximately ten years until July of this year when she decided to dedicate all available time when she's not caring for her family to making Day Dreams Inc's mission a reality.


Cindy is a life long resident of Gratiot County, born and raised in Ithaca, a Graduate of Alma College and currently lives with her family in Ithaca.  She is the mother of three adult children; Corlisa who is developmentally disabled, and two adult sons, Chris and Caleb.  As co founder of Day Dreams Inc. she has made her passion into her mission and is thrilled to join together with such a great group of people that make up the Board of Directors of Day Dreams, Inc and to work toward such an important  goal.  She believes a recreation/ wellness center that also houses Day Dreams Day Club will be a live changing  opportunity for so many people in our community. 


As Corlisa's mom, Cindy knows first hand the dire need for recreation and social activities for people with disabilities in our community.  Since Corlisa graduated from the public school system nine years ago, it became very obvious that although Corlisa is fortunate to have staff available to her full time, the availability of recreational and social activities within her own community is extemely limited. 


Corlisa is not alone.  Parents and caregivers of adults with disabilities are desperate for finding a place where their loved ones can have what we often take for granted, a place to go during the day that gives them a sense of purpose and the opportunity to socialize and maintain emotional and physical health.   The numerous adults and children with disabilities and the senior citizens in our community need the opportunity that a recreation/wellness center will provide, not just for them, but for all members of our community.


To Contact Cindy click on the link below her picture.

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