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Day Dreams Day Club with Mid Michigan Hula

                                                              Recreation/Wellness Center
                                             Fully Accessible/Directed Activities Available Daily
                                                        for People with Disabilities and Others/
                                              Therapeutic Temperature Pool / Raised Track
                                     Movement to Music Class / Wheel Chair Aerobics / Yoga
                                         Community Garden / Gymnasium / Aromatherapy                                                 Weight Room/ Join Us Now to Add Your Favorite Activity

  2022          2023        2024

Purchasing our own building to open 

"Dream Dreams Destination" Expanding our Vocational Opportunities and Adding Recreational and Social Opportunities 


Add a kitchen and Day Dreams Decades Diner to Day Dream's Destination


Join with other community agencies to build a Community Recreation Wellness Complex

Continue as a partner in the fully accessible community recreation wellness complex, concentrating on day time directed activities within the complex for people with disabilities and others.


The Dream Works Resale Shoppe is Open!

In the Village Shoppes

108 E Center St Ithaca, MI 

Offering vocational training opportunities to people with differing abilities

A Strong Foundation
Was Laid!
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